Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Pasar Seni ITB 10/10/10

Tepat pada tanggal 10 bulan 10 dan tahun 2010 kemarin, yaitu pada hari minggu, banyak sekali yang nikahan ada sebuah acara yang digelar oleh salah satu universitas ternama di Bandung, yaitu ITB atau Institut Teknologi Bandung. Acara tersebut adalah pasar seni ITB!!!!! yihayihayiha   jiga gelo ah~

In 10/10/10 (day 10 month 10 2010) there are a festival in Bandung, its called "pasar seni" or "art market" in english i think. It helds at ITB or Bandung Institute of Technology. Really cool festival in there, and i have some photos of the festival~~~
enjoy it~

sorry for big photo and rotated photos...
the three pic in above is kites, really looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg kites

                                     I think this is the main gate, because there are a big gate made of branches      

                                                     this is just a joke~~~~~

                       a man who painted the car

                                                         One of two mascots in "pasar seni ITB"        

                                                   this is a part of the events too~

Main gate of ITB, not the "pasar seni" if id didnt wrong~ ^^;

                                                    My friends andddddddddd a frankenstein!!!!!!

                                    Want to try to throw axes or knifes?
                                  i had tried this but i missed...the axes is go down, really...am i a pitcher???

although, this event is not just as an art event, but physics is included too~
see the water pump? or the physics thing in the wood board?

A veryyyyy gooooooooooodddddddddd sketch~~~

                      its a "tower of sepeda ontel"

                                             its called "sepeda Ontel"

its an old bicycle, its called "sepeda ontel"
really heavy because its not yet have gear~
i have a bad experience with this thing, but i want to ride this thing again~ hahaha~~~


O'l motorcycle~

a bridge~ made from bamboo

This is called "eggrang" or "Enggrang" i dont know which is right, but its like that, one of many old toys~
me and my friend played it too~
its hard in the very first try, but if you already try it and learned it before, it will be easy~

Some kinds of old toys~
i sit in that thing and its okay, really! Its made from bamboo so it will be okay...

                          some art, that is my friend, posing~

I stayed up till night~and merchants is still here! so decided too take a look~
above pic is some old money, they colected the money and we buy it~
i bought old 5 yen~ ^^

Saya disini ampe malem dan masih macet juga loh, karena bubaran sih ya...hahaha